Local Patio Contractors Who Can Build Your Custom Stone Patio

local patio contractors

Homeowners often dream of having an attractive area to relax outside on a spring or summer day, share a meal with family, and celebrate special occasions. Since the pandemic, the number of people working from home has skyrocketed, which has led to increased demand for comfortable and functional outdoor spaces. If you’re thinking about installing a new patio, turn to Leary’s Landscaping, the best local patio contractors in Long Beach Island and beyond. 

Why You Should Install a Paver Patio

When it comes to materials for an outdoor patio, paving stones can be a better choice than concrete. When a concrete surface is exposed to rising and falling temperatures, it expands and contracts. That produces cracks that can detract from a patio’s appearance. In addition, cracks can fill with water, weeds can grow in gaps, and people can trip and fall. 

Patching a concrete patio is only a temporary solution. It doesn’t address the underlying issue, which means cracks will most likely continue to appear and need to be repaired. 

A patio made with paving stones won’t crack when the temperature changes. Stones are carefully placed with enough space between them to allow them to expand. That’s a simple and effective way to prevent damage.

Transform Your NJ Home with a Custom Stone Patio Built by Our Local Patio Contractors

There are plenty of companies that provide outdoor home improvements, but Leary’s Landscaping has been recognized as the premier local patio contractors. We have been serving homeowners across New Jersey since 1996. Customers keep coming back to us and referring their family and friends because of our high quality of work and excellent service.

When installing a patio, it’s particularly important to work with an experienced and established company. This sort of project isn’t as simple as it might seem. Workers must design and install a patio in a way that will allow water to drain when it rains and when snow melts. If water collects on the patio, the area can become unusable.

Our experts can use stones of different sizes and colors to skillfully create a custom patio that will stand the test of time and impress your family and guests. A member of our team can answer any questions you have and give you an estimate. Call us today at (609) 978-1392.

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